What is Pluang OTC FX
(Over-the-Counter Foreign Exchange)?

Cost efficient
No transaction fees & competitive exchange rate for minimum transaction $20,000

Locked-in rates for 30 minutes
Take comfort in the knowledge that your transaction will be processed with the quoted price. 100% guarantee for 30 minutes.

Seamless transactions
USD conversions in just 5 easy steps!

Pluang Plus Members can now get access to Over-the-Counter Foreign Exchange (OTC FX) for USD/IDR exchanges at Pluang. These exchanges will be facilitated through our Priority Service Line, where you can enjoy competitive exchange rates and zero transaction fees.  

Why Pluang OTC FX?

How can I convert my IDR to USD with OTC FX?


All members can contact Pluang Priority Service Line for OTC FX services. Our agent will assist you with the requirements.



Pluang Agent will complete the transaction via phone and/or WhatsApp**, offering a competitive rate for the amount of IDR desired to be converted. This price offer will be locked-in for 30 minutes.

**This call will be recorded for verification purposes.


If the price is agreed upon, you will have 30 minutes to complete the fund transfer to Pluang’s bank accounts (BCA or CIMB Niaga), with proof of transfer.


You will also have to complete and sign one of the following digital forms***, depending on which bank account your funds are transferred into:

  1. Deposit BCA Form
  2. Deposit CIMB Niaga Form

***The deposit forms will be sent by your RM via WhatsApp.


Your USD will be credited to your Pluang Balance once receipt of funds and signed forms are confirmed.

What are the terms?

  • Transactions will only be supported by Pluang Priority Services via phone & WhatsApp
  • Monday–Friday, 09.00–13.00 WIB
  • Minimum amount per transaction: USD 20,000
  • Maximum amount per transaction: USD 100,000

For further information on OTC FX, please refer to our FAQ.

© 2024 Pluang. All rights reserved.

Pluang is a financial app managed and developed by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang, with the mission to give more access to various asset classes through micro investment products, easily and safely with affordable cost for the Indonesian society.

Crypto assets are powered by PT Bumi Santosa Cemerlang, which is registered and supervised under Bappebti. US Stocks and US Indexes are powered by PT PG Berjangka, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti. Gold is powered by PT Pluang Emas Sejahtera, which is licensed and supervised by Bappebti. Mutual funds are powered by PT Sarana Santosa Sejati, which is licensed and supervised by OJK.

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